Soul Cafe

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Anyone who knows me will understand my connection with music... there is a direct correlation between the music I was listening to one night and the speeding ticket i recieved a few weeks later! So i thought I would write my personal faves at the moment and their benefits to my own state of mind... My album of the day of the day would have to be missy higgins... whom i havent listened to since before I moved over here, song of the album is (without question) 10 days... The latest addition to my favourites is the Fray... I think they were only recently released on radio waves in Australia... they are fantastic, easy to listen to and unusually upbeat, there are whispers of going to their concert which would make me very happy. Finally a tribute to the most faithful musical friend i have ever had... Dashboard. Most albums will sit on repeat for maybe a month and then grow dust in the collection until i 'rediscover' them months later... Dashboard's, the 'Places you have come to fear the Most' is still spinning in my player and has not yet gotten a break... so James I know you want it back but even if i could get it to you I know you couldnt appreciate it half as much as i do! I also have their album 'mission mark brand scar'... brilliant
My final mention will go to my perth-purchased album, the soundtrack to the oc, I love oc style... to me, its kinda like a soundtrack to life... with its up and downs the music always suits, my personal favourites are 'hide and seek' by imogen heap (very VERY cool... very VERY intense) and forever young (an old favourite of mine!)
anyway, i will be heading off now but i miss you all very much and would love love love to hear from all of you (thanks to those who have stayed in touch too... I have definately needed and appreciated it!) Love you guys ,


At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forever Young hummm one of my fav's too and especially at the moment when I'm feeling so old thanks to my knees. DamnIt:( I am like you; music is so important in my life too. Great to see I passed that on to you, yes you have me to thank for that, hopefully you don't get the knees too.

At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey music reflects my life as well...

you see when i think about myself i tend to connect with "I'm too sexy for my shirt"

When i am arround lots of women i tend to connect with MC hammers..."you cant touch this"


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