Catch up...
Hello there... big shout-outs to all friends near and far! I hope that you are all doing well and that God is Rockin' out in your life... I know he sure is in mine! Just thought Id update you all on life in CA. Last week I went to a real rock concert, some of the guys from the church are in a band called American Drag. It was a worthy experience, however my preference would be a lower volume. But despite the headache afterwards, They do know how to play and sing! That same night we had a surprise birthday party for the worship leaders husband, Anthony. I managed to get a few pictures of some of the Santa Rosa crew.
So here's the girls
L-R is Sarah, Danae, Andrea, Me, Dava and Dianne
There are no pictures of the guys as yet, but they are; Chris, Mike and Dustin
All are very cool
So now you know the people, lets get back to me... because really, its all about me!
Ummm, ooh wait, before I get back to myself, let me just talk up some of my friends a little more, because they are just so freakin awesome... Get this... We're watching Pirates of the Caribbean, and I was telling Dianne , Chris and Mike about how I always wanted to have a Pirates and princesses party, and like a few days later they tell me that theyve organized me one for my twenty-first! SHIBBY!! Seriously, I was so wow-ed, how awesome is that??
OK, so now its back to me! I got sick on the weekend (tear, sniff), i think it was one of the worst flu's Ive ever had... And worst of all, I had no mum to take care of me (more tears and sniffles), and then not only could I not see my mum and dad, I couldn't even talk to them (damn the stupid public holiday that meant they could go away... Shake fist). But its ok, I survived. I must admit that I had a little help along the way, I got many messages from pals (yay, my phone is no longer the phone that never rings!) and my bosses rock! They got me a heap of magazines, and juice, and all the little things that just showed that they cared. I felt so speshal!
After a weekend of complete hibernation I ventured out to do a little shopping, got some awesome bargains, and then I worked. Nowadays, work is actually fun, the girls and I really get along! Then I went and saw a movie with one of the guys (yay for getting out!), Match point, I thought it was about tennis, its not! Nah it was a good movie, bizarre, and intense, but decent. The experience made better by the "high quality" movie theatre (or not), and the drunken guy yelling at the movie screen... Ahh, California, so rich in culture! I think we both made a decision never to see anymore movies at Roxy on the Square! It ended up being a great way to finish off a fairly average weekend!
And so here I am today, Monday... I shall leave my blogging now, and come back later, leaving you all in great suspense, because I know how youre all dying to read about me, Right..? RIGHT...?!
PS On saturday I did something very, very bad... I confess... I said "Y'all"
Please dont hate me forever
"Lower Volume" what is this I hear the words of old age creeping in??? complete with the obligitory headache BRILLIANT our Princess is begining to aquire a liking for the finer things in life MAYBE??? Some pictures yet;..I want more!!!
how cute are we?!?! yay for good friends! and i'm glad you are feeling better.. i missed you this weekend!
haha u old fogey... getting a headache and stufff... eheh te your a hoot.
your new friends look beautiful! and you are glowing as always.
god bless
xoxoxo caitlin
Hiya Babes
That gal in the pic and ver far left looks like Marg... dont u think??
Flus... yuk i have just come down with a cold... and its bloomin summer here..
Hope ur doing well
luv ya xxx
Yeah...good to see talking to me helped.
Glad ur having fun
jay youre always so cynical... people are going to think you dont like me... and I be very sad:(
Howit Te-neel.remember me.been reading your blog.ur lookin great.hpe life is goin gud.hpe 2 hear form u soon
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