Soul Cafe

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I have been reading an amazing book, to keep my amazing brain... well... Amazing! Everyone knows how smart I am so it should not surprise you that I choose to read. My current book at the moment is the Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. It is a collection of letters about how to keep one man in Hell. I am only up to chapter 7 and in my reading, I have been constantly challenged. I wonder what these Demons would write about me? How would they try to steal me away from Heaven, and what weaknesses do I have that I might follow them?
Anyway, Its deep I know, but what can I say, I am a smart one at heart (like duh!)

Speaking of my smartness, the other day I was doing my washing and I usually use a pre-spray on my clothes... so there I am, spraying away. and Shireen my boss walks in and says "Oh you dont want to use that Te-Neele, Thats carpet cleaner"


At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Te-Neele the never ending supply of fodder you provide us with "Carpet Cleaner"

At 7:37 AM, Blogger annettetherocker said...

Yeah, the Screwtape Letters is goooood, I found it (well, what I read of it) really challenging too. Good to hear you're keeping that brain AMAZING...

At 9:12 AM, Blogger annong said...

oh wow carpet cleaner huh! hope your clothes came out sparkling clean still! :) oxox


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